3. Objective: Stakeholder Management

Transformation from Within - (No) ONE Transformation & Training Format PROactive

Burda Procurement has taken an exciting transformation journey and shown how an initially rather insignificant corporate unit can become relevant again for a group.  This transformation focuses on the human factor. As a consultant and lead trainer, Christian Thöne was able to help shape this journey and, in particular, the PROactive program as the central personnel development element.

PROactive is not a normal training program, but was aimed from day 1 of the almost three-year journey at anchoring the change in the minds of the employees. It was deliberately an agile concept from the start, ensuring that attitude, motivation and a learning culture could emerge. The development program designed by h&z together with our network partner Christian Thöne and the management team of Burda Procurement gave the team orientation in the change and at the same time empowered them to become the driving force and guarantor of the learning culture and their own claim to excellence.

1. Objective: Human Resources Development
2. Objective: Change
3. Objective: Stakeholder Management
4. Objective: Value Proposition

PROactive is not an off-the-shelf product - this confirms my philosophy: It is a successful combination of a wide variety of specially developed training, team development and coaching formats that are all interlinked.

It builds on the human factor, because every transformation starts with people.
